Sonny Boy lyrics by Al Jolson

Lyric & Midi information
Song Title * 3500MJ Sonny Boy
Performed * Al Jolson
Publisher * . Unauthorised copying is illegal
Programmer * � Mal Jones. The Big Kahoona Music Company. Distributed by licence

When there are grey skies I don't mind the grey skies.
You make them blue, Sonny Boy.
Friends may forsake me, let them all forsake me.
You pull me thru, Sonny Boy.
You're sent from heaven and I know your worth.
You made a heaven for me right here on the earth.
When I'm old and grey, dear, promise you won't stray, dear,
for I love you, Sonny Boy.


Time * 3:32
Length * 79 Bars
Tempo * Various
Key * Bb

Ch 1 * Piano
Ch 2 * Fretless Bass
Ch 3 * Strings
Ch 4 * Violin
Ch 5 * Trumpet
Ch 6 * Saxophone
Ch 7 * Trombone
Ch 8 * Clarinet
Ch 9 * Harp
Ch 11 * Flute