Crashed The Wedding lyrics by Busted

Title : Crashed The Wedding

Artist : Busted

Reference Number : 1890

Tempo - 180 bpm
Key - Ab

*** Lyrics shown in (closed brackets) indicate Grp Vox ***

I'm so rushed off my feet (oh, oh)
Looking for Gorden street
So much I need to say
I�m sorry that it's on her wedding day
'Cause she's so right for me (oh-oh)
Her daddy disagrees
He�s always hated me
'Cause I never got, a j-o-b

'Cause she's mine,
And I'm glad I crashed the wedding,
Its better than regretting,
I could have been a loser kid
And ran away and hid
But it's the best thing I ever did.
'Cause it's true love that lasts forever
And now we're back together
As if he never met her
So looking back
I'm glad I crashed the wedding

The neighbours spread the word (damn)
My mom cried when she heard
I stole my girl away
From everybody gathered there that day

And, just in time
And I'm glad I crashed the wedding,
Its better than regretting,
I could have been a loser kid
And ran away and hid
I said I'd do it and I did.
'Cause it's true love that lasts forever
And now we're back together
As if he never met her
So looking back
I'm glad I crashed the wedding

So please stop being
Mad at me for taking her away, 'cause
Anyway she didn�t want to stay.
So please believe me when I say

She�s glad I crashed the wedding
Its better than regretting
The ring she got was lame
She couldn�t take the pain
She didn�t want a silly second name
'Cause true love lasts forever (love lasts forever)
And now we�re back together
You might as well forget her
And walk away

She�s glad I crashed the wedding (We're back together)
It's better than regretting (It's better than regretting)
The ring she got was lame
She couldn't take the pain
She didn't want a silly second name (no, no, no)
Coz true love lasts forever (true love lasts)
And now we're back together
You might as well forget her
And walk away
She's glad I crashed the wedding


Note : The terms used to assist the user in defining the structure
of this work are for guidance only and should not be taken as literal.

Seq Bar Numbers

2 - Count In
3 - Intro
13 - Verse 1
29 - Bridge
31 - Chorus
51 - Verse 2
59 - Bridge
61 - Chorus
79 - Middle 8
95 - Chorus
118 - Ending

Note : The first bar contains Control Codes to "set up" your tone generator(s).
Note : A 'metronome' count-in is given (sounding as a closed hi-hat)
by the drum track (track 2). This occurs on beats 1, 2, 3 and 4 of bar 2.


Number of MIDI CHANNELS used : 15

Channel Type

10 - Drums
2 - Bass
3 - Lead Guitar
4 - Distortion
5 - Overdrive
6 - Dist Muted
7 - Steel Guitar
8 - Nylon Guitar / Pick Guitar
9 - Synth / El.Organ
11 - Tubular Bells
12 - Strings
13 - Church Organ / Bassoon
14 - Ad Libs
15 - Grp Vox
16 - Lead Vox