Shake Me,wake Me lyrics by Diana Ross

Following conventional lyric notation practice, words are broken into syllables to interpret the phrasing of the lyrics. Each word syllable in the lyrics below represents a note on the vocal part of this arrangement. A hyphen '-' or trailing hyphens following a word syllable indicates that the word syllable is extended over more than one note.
Title:Shake Me, Wake Me
Key Signature: Ab Major
Artist:Diana Ross
Copyright:EMI Music Publishing.
Total Running Time:00:03:00
All through this long and sleep-less night
I hear my name was talk-ing

Stay-ing out of my life when
- a-noth-er's arms will soon be on me

Some-bo-dy shake me,
- Wake me... - when it's o-ver

- Some-bo-dy tell me - that I'm cra-zy
- And when it's o-ver

They say our love
ain't what it used to be
And eve-ry-one knows but me

- I close my ears,
not - want--ing to hear
- - words - of love - clear

- Through these walls so thin
I hear my neigh-bors when
they say that she don't love him

They say my hearts in pain
Be-cause you're leav-ing me
For the love that we ain't got

Some-bo-dy shake me,
- Wake me... - - - when it's o-ver

Some-bo-dy tell me - that I'm cra-zy
When it's o-ver

Tell me what my heart de-sires
- My whole world you in-spire
- I can't bear to be los-ing you

'Cause I've loved you
my whole life through


. . . . . . . .

It was me, - I wait-ed for - you
to speak my name and crit-i-cize

Now - - here I am - and I re-al-ize
That you don't want me by your side

The tears - creep down my face
- I can't be-lieve I'm do-ing right

If I ev-er ev-er dream be-fore
Some-bo-dy tell me I'm dream-ing now

Some-bo-dy shake me,
- Wake me... - - - when it's o-ver
Some-bo-dy tell me

Tell me that I'm cra-zy
And wake me when it's o-ver

C-'mon and wake me,
- shake me some-bo-dy when it's o-ver

C-'mon and shake me,
Wake me, - when it's o-ver