Meanwhile lyrics by George Strait

Following conventional lyric notation practice, words are broken into syllables to interpret the phrasing of the lyrics. Each word syllable in the lyrics below represents a note on the vocal part of this arrangement. A hyphen '-' or trailing hyphens following a word syllable indicates that the word syllable is extended over more than one note.
Title: Meanwhile
Key Signature:G Major
Artist: George Strait
Songwriters:Knobloch and Holyfield
Copyright:Details Not Available as of 28/06/99
Total Running Time:00:03:33
INTRO . . . . . . . .
She spark-les, she daz-zles

She lights up the room
We walk to-geth-er to a tab-le for two

Eve-ry man stares but her
eyes - are on-ly for me
We take to the dance floor

She squeez-es my hand
I can't be-lieve just how luck-y I am

Back in the back of my mem-ory
You're still danc-in' with me

And I'm hold-ing you once a-gain

We move to the end
of a beau-ti-ful night
Ten-der the kis-ses,

and soft can-dle-light
She draws the cur-tains
Slow-ly we climb up the stairs

And reach for each oth-er
The pas-sion be-gins

We fall to-geth-er
as lov-ers and then

Back in the back of my mem-ory

You're still danc-in' with me
And I'm hold-ing you once a-gain

I try and I try
Lord knows I do

But each time my
heart beats back to you

I'll go on liv-ing my life now

I'll find a way some-how

Back in the back of my mem-ory
You'll al-ways be with me

But I'll nev-er hold you a-gain
Mean-while - -