Hanging On A String lyrics by Loose Ends

Title : Hanging On A String

Artist : Loose Ends

Reference Number : 1885

Tempo - 105 bpm
Key - Em

*** Lyrics shown in (closed brackets) indicate Grp Vox ***

I waited oh so long for you to come to me
What did I do wrong, it's all a mystery to me
Baby, I feel it too, what am I supposed to do
Maybe I've just changed or could I be wrong for you

You, you got me hanging on a string now
(I'm not a plaything)
You, you got me hanging on a string now
(Am I your plaything)

You never told me you were waiting, contemplating
You never told me you were waiting, contemplating
(Girl, with my heart)

Do you mean to say that after all this time
I waited like a fool now who can change in you

You, you got me hanging on a string now
(I'm not your plaything)
You, you got me hanging on a string now
(I ain?t no plaything)
You, you got me hanging on a string now
(Stop masquerading)
You, you got me hanging on a string now
(I ain't your plaything.. whoa..)

Instrumental/Guitar Solo

You never told me you
were waiting, contemplating
You never told me you
were waiting, contemplating
Come on child and...

Take me by the hand now?
You, ga you you you, you ga you you you
You ga you ga you, you ga you you you

You you you, you ga you you
You ga you ga you, you you you you

You, ga you you you, you ga you you you
You ga you ga you, you ga you you you

You, ga you you you, you ga you you you
You ga you ga you, you you you you you

You, you got me hanging on a string now
(I'm not your plaything)
You, you got me hanging on a string now
(Hang on, hang on yeah)
You, you got me hanging on a string now
(Just a plaything)

You, you got me hanging on a string now
(You never told me you were waiting, contemplating)
You, you got me hanging on a string now
(You never told me you were waiting, contemplating)
You, you got me hanging on a string now
(You never told me you were waiting, contemplating)
You, you got me hanging on a string now
(You never told me you were waiting, contemplating)


Note : The terms used to assist the user in defining the structure
of this work are for guidance only and should not be taken as literal.

Seq Bar Numbers

2 - Count In
3 - Inro
19 - Verse 1
35 - Chorus
43 - Bridge
51 - Verse 2
59 - Chorus
75 - Instrumental/Guitar Solo
91 - Bridge
109 - Middle 8
123 - Chorus
159 - Ending

Note : The first bar contains Control Codes to "set up" your tone generator(s).
Note : A 'metronome' count-in is given (sounding as a closed hi-hat)
by the drum track (track 2). This occurs on beats 1, 2, 3 and 4 of bar 2.


Number of MIDI CHANNELS used : 15

Channel Type

10 - Drums
1 - Synth Effect/Seashore
2 - Bass
3 - Organ
4 - Clean Guitar 1/Synth Pad
5 - Clean Guitar 2
6 - Muted Guitar 1
7 - Strings
8 - Rhythm Guitar
9 - Guitar Solo/Slap Bass
11 - Muted Guitar
12 - Clean Guitar 3
14 - Grp Vox
15 - Boy Vox
16 - Girl Vox