5 Colours In Her Hair lyrics by Mcfly

Title : 5 Colours In Her Hair
Artist : McFly
Reference Number : 1928

Tempo - Approx. 195 Bpm
Key - G

*** Lyrics shown in (closed brackets) indicate Grp Vox ***

Do do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do
Do do do do do do do

She's got a lip ring and 5 colours in her hair
Not into fashion but I love the clothes she wears
Her tattoo's always hidden by her underwear
She don't care

Everybody wants to know her name
I threw a house party and she came
Everyone asked me, who the hell is she
That weirdo with 5 colours in her hair

She's just a loner with a sexy atittude
I'd like to phone her cos she puts me in the mood
The rumours spreading that she cooks in the nude
She don't care, she don't care

Everybody wants to know her name
How does she cope with her new found fame
Everyone asks me, who the hell is she
That weirdo with 5 colours in her hair

She was all I thought about
The girl I couldn't live without
But then she went insane
She couldn't take the fame
She said I was to blame
She'd had enough
And shaved five colours off
And now she's just a weirdo with no name

Everybody wants to know her name
How does she cope with her new found fame
Everyone asks me, who the hell is she
That weirdo with 5 colours in her hair

(1, 2, 3, 4)
Do do do do do do doo
Do do do do do do doo
Do do do do do do doo


Note : The terms used to assist the user in defining the structure
of this work are for guidance only and should not be taken as literal.

Seq Bar Numbers

2 - Count In
3 - Intro
19 - Verse 1
33 - Chorus
49 - Verse 2
65 - Chorus
79 - Middle Section
89 - (Tempo Change) / Middle Section
107 - (Tempo Return) INtro Riff
115 - Chorus
131 - Outro
137 - Ending

Note : The first bar contains Control Codes to "set up" your tone generator(s).
Note : A 'metronome' count-in is given (sounding as a closed hi-hat)
by the drum track (track 2). This occurs on beats 1, 2, 3 and 4 of bar 2.


Number of MIDI CHANNELS used : 15

Channel Type

10 - Drums
2 - Picked Bass
3 - Semi Acoustic Gtr
4 - Sus. Gtr 1
5 - Sus. Gtr 2
6 - El. Organ
7 - Guitar Solo 1
8 - Guitar Solo 2
9 - Phase Gtr
11 - Clean Guitar 1
12 - Clean Guitar 2
13 - Sitar
14 - Grp Vox Ooo
15 - Grp Vox Dah
16 - Lead Vox