Lyrics Sweet Sweet Bulbs | Captain Beefheart


Composer * Don Van Vliet
Genre * 1968-69/Rock/Male Vocal
Producer * A. Pastor

Sweet sweet sweet sweet bulbs grow in m' la-test gar-den
Warm warm warm warm warm sun fin-gers wave
In m' la-test gar-den
Flo-wers dance their fa-ces brave

Come talk free-ly in the gar-den of m' la-dy
Her ho-mi-ny smile her ho-mi-ny snatch
On-ly uh crow would peck
'N uh chic-ken would scratch

Her lips turned up t' kiss
I see yuh Phoe-be ba-by in yer bon-net
With the sun-set writ-ten on it
'N the sha-dow of uh tree

Cur-led a-round her knee in co-lor
'N just be-hind yuh was the sea of ne-ga-ti-vi-ty
Tinkl-in' like mer-cu-ry in the wind
Her feet kept by the ground her toes bare brown

Her car-riage she'd a-ban-doned like uh hand-me-down
She walked back in-to na-ture uh queen un-crowned
She had just re-cog-nized her-self
To be an heir t' the throne

Her gar-den gate swings light-ly with-out weight
O-pen t' most a-ny-one that needs uh lit-tle free-dom
For God's sake
O' come as ma-ny as you can

In dark or light you're free t' grow as flo-wers
Share her throne 'n use her tooth-brush
'N spend some in-teres-ting hours


Key * E
Time * 2:23
Length * 89 Bars
Tempo * 139 BPM


MIDI Channel/Track Assignment:

Ch 1 * Piano
Ch 2 * Fingered Bass
Ch 3 * -
Ch 4 * Melody Guide (Saw Wave)
Ch 5 * Backing Melody Guide (-)
Ch 6 * -
Ch 7 * -
Ch 8 * Distortion Gt.
Ch 9 * Overdrive Gt.
Ch 10 * Drums
Ch 11 * Steel Gt.
Ch 12 * Clean Gt.
Ch 13 * Jazz Gt.
Ch 14 *
Ch 15 *
Ch 16 *


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