Lyrics A Winters Tale | David Essex
Following conventional lyric notation practice, words are broken into syllables to interpret the phrasing of the lyrics. Each word syllable in the lyrics below represents a note on the vocal part of this arrangement. A hyphen '-' or trailing hyphens following a word syllable indicates that the word syllable is extended over more than one note.
Title: A Winters Tale
Key Signature: Bb Minor
Artist: David Essex
Songwriters:Mike Batt/Tim Rice
Copyright:April Music Ltd/Batt Song Ltd/64 Square/Pendulum/Warner Bros.Music Ltd
Total Running Time:00:04:18
INTRO . . . . . . . . . .
The nights are cold-er now
May-be I should close the door

And an-y-how the snow has
cov-ered all your foot-steps
and I can fol-low you no more

The fire still burns at night
My mem-o-ries are warm and clear

But eve-ry-bo-dy knows it's hard
to be a-lone at this time of year -

It was on-ly a win-ters tale
Just a-noth-er win-ters tale

And why should the world take
no-tice of one more love that's failed -

A love that could nev-er be
though it meant a lot to you and me

On a world-wide scale we're
just a-noth-er win-ters tale

While I stand a-lone
A bell is ring-ing far a-way
I won-der if you hear

I won-der if you're listen-ing
I won-der where you are to-day

Good luck, I wish you well
for all that wish-es may be worth
I hope that love and strength

are with you for the length
of your time on earth

It was on-ly a win-ters tale
Just a-noth-er win-ters tale

And why should the world take
no-tice of one more love that's failed -

A love that could nev-er be
though it meant a lot to you and me

On a world-wide scale we're
just a-noth-er win-ters tale

It was on-ly a win-ters tale
Just a-noth-er win-ters tale

And why should the world take
no-tice of one more love that's failed -

A love that could nev-er be
though it meant a lot to you and me

On a world-wide scale we're
just a-noth-er win-ters tale