Lyrics Amor Amor Amor | El Chato
Lyric & Midi information
Song Title * 0663 Amor
Performed By * El Chato
Composer(s) * Mendez\Ruiz\Skylar
Publisher * Unauthorised copying is illegal
Programmer * Pino Mastroieni � *

Please note, lyrics to this title are currently unavailable. If you have or
know of the lyrics to this title, then please call us on 03 887 8127.


Key * C Minor
Tempo * 118 Bpm
Time * 3 Min/55 Sec
Length * 117 Bars

Ch 1 * Fretless Bass
Ch 2 * Acoustic Guitar
Ch 3 * Synth Brass
Ch 4 * Shakuhachi
Ch 6 * 12 String Acoustic Guitar
Ch 10 * Drums (Standard Kit)