Lyrics Mary In The Morning | Al Martino
Noth-ing's quite as pre-tty as Ma-ry in the morn-ing
When through a slee-py haze I see her ly-ing there
Soft as the rain that falls on sum-mer flow-ers
Warm as the sun-light shin-ing on her gol-den hair

When I aw-ake and see her there so close be-si-de me
I want to take her in my arms,
The ache is there so deep in-si-de me

Noth-ing's quite as pre-tty as Ma-ry in the mor-ning
Chas-ing the rain-bow in her dreams so far aw-ay
And when she turns to touch me I kiss her face so soft-ly
And my Ma-ry wakes to love and love ag-ain

And Mary's there in sum-mer days or storm-y w-ea-ther
She doe-sn't care how right or wrong the love we share,
We share to-ge-th-er

Noth-ing's quite as pre-tty as Ma-ry in the eve-ning
Kissed by the shade of night and star-light in her hair
And as we walk, I hold her close be-side me
All our to-mor-rows for a life-time we will share