Lyrics The Very Best Of Everything | Foxtrot
Lyric & Midi information
Title * 0598 The Best Of Everything (Foxtrot)
Artist * Ballroom Dancing Series
Composer * Cahn/Newman 1970
Publisher * Unauthorised copying is illegal
Programmer * John Ialuna � 1995 *

Note: This Midifile has been specially programmed to conform to the 'Strict
Time Ballroom Dancing' format. Therefore, do not change the tempo
if you plan to perform this song at a 'Deb Ball'.


Key * C Major
Tempo * 120 Bpm
Time * 2 Min/34 Sec
Length* 78 Bars

Ch 1 * Piano
Ch 2 * Acoustic Bass
Ch 3 * Nylon String Acoustic Guitar
Ch 4 * Jazz (Mellow) Guitar
Ch 5 * Tenor Saxophone
Ch 6 * Tenor Saxophone
Ch 7 * Strings
Ch 10 * Drums (Brush Kit)
