Lyrics Beautiful Thing | Ian Moss
Lyric & Midi information
Title * 0214 Beautiful Thing
Artist * Ian Moss
Composer *Richard Manuel and Rick Danko
Publisher * Unauthorised copying is illegal
Programmner* � John Roy

I've told you once, now you should know
The reason that I'm coming down.
There ain't no time to repeat again;
Just need to bring it around.

We had a beautiful thing going,
You couldn't see things my way.
We had a beautiful thing going,
Something just got in our way.

And I told you once that it was rough.
I looked on you as my friend,
Because that did not seem to be good enough,
And now it's time to begin.

We've got a beautiful thing going,
I hope that's the way it will stay.
We've got a beautiful thing going,
Nothing can stand in our way.

* Repeat Fourth Verse


Key * B Flat Major
Tempo * 132 Bpm. (Note 'Ritards' at begining and end of song)
Time * 4 Mins/0 Secs
Length* 133 Bars

Ch 1 * Electric Piano
Ch 2 * Bass
Ch 3 * Bell Synth
Ch 4 * Choir
Ch 5 * Overdrive Guitar
Ch 6 * Overdrive Guitar
Ch 7 * Synth Strings
Ch 10 * Drums (Standard Kit)