Lyrics Cardiac Arrest | Madness
Following conventional lyric notation practice, words are broken into syllables to interpret the phrasing of the lyrics. Each word syllable in the lyrics below represents a note on the vocal part of this arrangement. A hyphen '-' or trailing hyphens following a word syllable indicates that the word syllable is extended over more than one note.
Cardiac Arrest - Madness
INTRO . . . . . . . . . .
Pa-pers in the mor-ning,
bow-ler hat on head

Walk-ing to the bus stop,
he's long-ing for his bed

Wait-ing with his neigh-bours,
in the rush hour queue

Got to get the first bus,
so much for him to do

He's got to hur-ry,
got to get his seat

Can't miss his place,
got to rest his feet

Ten more min-utes till he gets there,
the cross-word's near-ly done

It's been so hard these days,
not near-ly so much fun

His mind wan-ders to the of-fice,
his tel-e-phone, desk and chair

He's been hap-py with the comp-'ny,
they've treat-ed him real fair

Think of se-ven let-ters,
be-gin and end in 'C'

Like a big A-mer-i-can car,
but mis-spelt with a 'D'

I wish this bus-'d get a move on,
driv-er's tak-ing his time

I just don't know, I'll be late,
Oh dear, what will the boss say?

Pull your-self to-geth-er now,
don't get in a state

Don't you wor-ry,
there's no hur-ry

It's a love-ly day,
could all be goin' your way

Take the doc's ad-vice,
let up en-joy your life

List-en to what they say,
it's not a game they play

Nev-er get there at this rate,
he's caught up in a jam

There's a meet-ing this mor-ning,
it's just his luck, oh damn!

His hand dives in his pock-et,
for his hand-ker-chief

Pearls of sweat on his col-lar,
his pulse beat seems so brief

Eyes fall on his wrist-watch,
the sec-onds pass real slow

Gas-ping for the hot air,
but the chest pain, it won't go

Tried to ask for help,
but can't seem to speak a word

Words are whis-pered fran-tic-'lly,
but don't seem to be heard

What a-bout the wife and kids?
They all de-pend on me

We're so sor-ry,
we told you not to hur-ry

Now it's just too late,
you've got a cer-tain date

We thought we made it clear,
we all voiced our in-ner fears

We left it up to you,
there's noth-ing we can do