Lyrics One More Song | Randy Meisner
Lyrics & Midi Track Information
� Hit Trax MIDI Files

Song Title * One More Song
Performed By * Randy Meisner Composer * J. Tempchin
Publisher *
Programmer * Atanaz Pasztor
Copyright * � Hit Trax MIDI Files.

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I was sing-ing in a bar
in San Di-e-go

And the clock on the wall
said time to go

And the old man in the chair
by the fi-re

Said would you boys mind
play-ing one more

One more song
for the night gone by

One more song
for the Long ride home

One more song
be-fore I walk out the door

One more song
be-fore I'm a-lone

Me and my bud-dies we were
knows as the Sil-ve-ra-dos

I was leav-ing town
for good that night

So we sang him one more
in the old Somb-re-ro bar

Be-neath the brok-en
ne-e-on light

One more song
for the night gone by

One more song
for the good times and the bad

For the fa-ces of stran-gers and the
Voi-ces of friends

One more song
for the ti-imes we had

So we sang him a sad
and a sweet one

And we sang it so soft
and so high

And his ti-red eyes
they smi-led good-bye

When the wait-ress said
clo-o-sin' time

I thought, it's fun-ny the pla-ces
life will lead you

As I was pack-in' a-way
my bass gui-tar

I was sing-in' this song
as the road raced a-long

And the emp-ty night
Swal-lowed my car

One more song
for the night gone by

One more song
for the things we've done

One more song
for this ro-ad I'm tra-vel-ing on

One more song
for the ti-ime to come

For the ti-imes to come


Key * Bb
Time * 3:54
Length * 139 bars
Tempo * 105-113 bpm

MIDI Channel Assignment:

Ch 1 * N/A
Ch 2 * Fingered Bass
Ch 3 * Warm Pad
Ch 4 * Melody Guide (Alto Sax)
Ch 5 * Backing Melody Guide (Synth Vox)
Ch 6 * Piano 2
Ch 7 * Perc Organ
Ch 8 * Ensemble 2
Ch 9 * Syn Strings 1
Ch 10 * Drums
Ch 11 * Piano 2
Ch 12 * Jazz Guitar
Ch 13 * Piano
Ch 14 * Piano
Ch 15 * Piano
Ch 16 * Piano