Lyrics Summer Sunshine | The Corrs
Title : Summer Sunshine
Artist : The Corrs
Reference Number : 1934

Tempo - Approx 121 Bpm
Key - F

*** Lyrics shown in (closed brackets) indicate Grp Vox ***

Everyone's changing, I stay the same
I�m a solo cello outside a chorus, I�ve got a secret
It�s time for me to tell that you�ve been keeping me warm

Just sweet beginnings and bitter endings
In coffee city, we borrowed heaven
Don�t give it back, I�ve never felt so wanted
Are you taking me home, you tell me you have to go

In the heat of summer sunshine, I miss you like nobody else
In the heat of summer sunshine, I kiss you, and nobody needs to know

Now that you�ve loved me, there�s no returning
I keep comparing, you�re always winning
I try to be strong but you�ll never be more wanted
Will you make meet home, Don't tell me you have to go

In the heat of summer sunshine, I miss you like nobody else
In the heat of summer sunshine, I kiss you, and nobody needs to know

To sweet beginnings and bitter endings
In coffee city, we borrowed heaven
Don�t give it back, winter is coming and I need to stay warm

In the heat of summer sunshine, I miss you like nobody else
In the heat of summer sunshine, I kiss you, and nobody needs to know

In the heat of summer sunshine, I miss you like nobody else
In the heat of summer sunshine, I kiss you, and nobody needs to know


Note : The terms used to assist the user in defining the structure
of this work are for guidance only and should not be taken as literal.

Seq Bar Numbers

2 - Count In
3 - Gtr Intro
5 - Verse 1
21 - Break
23 - Chorus
33 - Verse 2
41 - Break
43 - Chorus
51 - Instrumental
57 - Middle Section
67 - Chorus
83 - Ending

Note : The first bar contains Control Codes to "set up" your tone generator(s).
Note : A 'metronome' count-in is given (sounding as a closed hi-hat)
by the drum track (track 2). This occurs on beats 1, 2, 3 and 4 of bar 2.


Number of MIDI CHANNELS used : 15
Channel Type

10 - Drums
2 - Bass
3 - Ac. Piano
4 - Feedback Gtr
5 - Overdrive Gtr
6 - Front Pick Gtr / Gtr Harmonics
7 - Rhythm Gtr
8 - Steel Gtr
9 - Pizz. Strings / Solo Violin
11 - Organ
12 - String Pad
13 - Synth Pad
14 - Choir
15 - Grp Vox
16 - Lead Vox