Lyrics The Stroll | The Diamonds
Lyric & Midi information

Song Title * 2646LB: The Stroll
Performed By * The Diamonds
Composer(s) *
Publisher * .Unauthorised copying is illegal
Programmer * Anthony Lombardi � 2000 LB Music Technology. Distributed Under Licence

No lyrics are available to this title


Time * 4:12
Length * 106 Bars
Tempo * 100 Bpm
Key * F

Ch 2 * Acoustic Bass
Ch 3 * Electric Piano
Ch 4 * Tenor Saxophone
Ch 5 * Piano
Ch 6 * Acoustic Guitar
Ch 7 * Rock Organ
Ch 8 * Alto Saxophone
Ch 9 * Piano Solo
Ch 10 * Drums
Ch 11 * Trombone
Ch 12 * Tenor Saxophone Solo
Ch 13 * Trumpet