Lyrics Belo Horizontei | The Heartistes
Lyric & Midi information
Song Title * 4424H: Belo Horizontei
Performed By * The Heartistes
Composer(s) * C.Coccoluto / S.Martino
Publisher * Bug Music . Unauthorised copying is illegal
Programmer * Joe Ortiz � Heavenly Music

Time * 3:55
Length * 125 Bars
Tempo * 126 Bpm
Key * Ab Minor

Ch 1 * Electric Piano
Ch 2 * Bass
Ch 3 * Choir
Ch 4 * Trombone
Ch 5 * Strings
Ch 6 * Brass
Ch 7 * Fretless Bass
Ch 8 * Electric Piano
Ch 9 * Harp
Ch 10 * Drums
Ch 11 * Oceana (Synth FX)