Lyrics Down In The Tube Station At Midnight | The Jam
Following conventional lyric notation practice, words are broken into syllables to interpret the phrasing of the lyrics. Each word syllable in the lyrics below represents a note on the vocal part of this arrangement. A hyphen '-' or trailing hyphens following a word syllable indicates that the word syllable is extended over more than one note.
Down In The Tube Station At Midnight - The Jam
INTRO . . .
The dis-tant ec-ho

of far-a-way voic-es
board-ing far-a-way trains

To take them home to
the ones that they love

and who love them for-ev-er

The glazed, dir-ty steps re-peat my own
and re-flect my thoughts,
Cold and un-in-vit--ing,

par-tial-ly nak-ed ex-cept for tof-fee
wrap-pers and this morn-ing's pa-per
Mr Jones got run down

Head-lines of death and sor-row
They tell of to-mor-row
Mad men on the ram-page

And I'm down in the
tube stat-ion at mid-night.

I fum-ble for change
and pull out the Queen
Smil-ing, be-guil-ing

I put in the mon-ey
and pull out a plum be-hind me.

Whis-pers in the shad-ows
gruff blaz-ing voic-es hat-ing, wait-ing

"Hey boy" they shout
"Have you got an-y mon-ey?"

And I said "I've a lit-tle mon-ey
and a take-a-way cur-ry,

I'm on my way home to my wife,"

She'll be lin-ing up the cut-le-ry,
You know she's ex-pect-ing me
Pol-ish-ing the glas-ses and

pul-ling out the cork
And I'm down in the
tube stat-ion at mid-night

I first felt a fist, and then a kick
I could now smell their breath
They smelt of pubs

and Worm-wood Scrubs
And too ma-ny right wing meet-ings

My life swam a-round me
It took a look and drowned me

in its own ex-ist-ence

The smell of brown leath-er
It blend-ed in with the weath-er
It filled my eyes, ears, nose and mouth

It blocked all my sen-ses
Couldn't see, hear, speak an-y long-er

I'm down in the tube sta-tion at mid-night
I said I was down in the

tube stat-ion at mid-night.

The last thing I saw as I lay
there on the floor was "Je-sus Saves"
paint-ed by an A-the-ist nut-ter,

And a Brit-ish Rail post-er read
"Have an A-way-day,
a cheap hol-i-day, do it to---day!"

I glanced back on my life
thought a-bout my wife,

'Cause they took the keys
and she'll think it's me

I'm down in the
tube stat-ion at mid-night
The wine will be flat

and the cur-ry's gone cold
I'm down in the
tube stat-ion at mid-night

Don't want to go down in
a tube stat-ion at mid-night,

Don't want to go down in
a tube stat-ion at mid-night,

Don't want to go down in
a tube stat-ion at mid-night,
Don't want to go down in

a tube stat-ion at mid-night,
Don't want to go down in
a tube stat-ion at mid-night.