Lyrics Here Comes The Bride Package | Wedding/specialty
Lyric & Midi information
Song Title * 3195 (a,b,c,) Here Comes The Bride Package
Performed By * Standard
Programmer * Tony Lombardi � LB Sequences (Reproduced under license)
This is a package of 3 Midifiles.
3195a - Is the walk in tune as the bride enters the church
3195b - Is the song played at the reception as the Bride and Groom
are announced and enter the room. This song can also played
as the Bride and Groom leave the reception - preferably after you
have played 'Wish me luck' (0392).
3195c - Is the tune played as the bride and groom leave the church
3195a - Bridal Entrance: Church
Time * 1:53 Length * 53 Bars
Tempo * 110 Bpm Key * C
Ch 2 * Acoustic Bass
Ch 3 * Choir
Ch 4 * Strings
Ch 5 * Cello
Ch 6 * Church Organ
3195b - Bridal Entrance: Reception
Time * 1.00 Length * 39 Bars
Tempo * 150 Bpm Key * F
Ch 2 * Acoustic Bass
Ch 2 * Hammond Organ
Ch 3 * Brass
Ch 10 * Drums
3195c - Bridal Exit: Church
Time * 1:16 Length * 36 Bars
Tempo * 110 Bpm Key * C
Ch 2 * Acoustic Bass
Ch 3 * Choir
Ch 4 * Strings
Ch 5 * Cello
Ch 6 * Church Organ