Lyrics Live And Let Die | Wings
Title : Live And Let Die

Artist : Paul MCartney

Comp : Paul MCartney

Copyright :

Reference Number : 1909

Tempo - start approx. 60 bpm
Key - G

*** Lyrics shown in (closed brackets) indicate Grp Vox ***

When you were young and
Your heart was an open book
You used to say, live and let live
(You know you did, you know you did, you know you did)
But if this ever changing world in which we live in
makes you give in and cry
Say, Live and let die

(Live and let die)
Live and let die
(Live and let die)

What does it matter to you
When you've got a job
To you got to do it well
You gotta give the other fella hell

You used to say, live and let live
(You know you did, you know you did, you know you did)
But if this ever changing world in which we live in
makes you give in and cry
Say, live and let die

(Live and let die)
Live and let die
(Live and let die)


Note : The terms used to assist the user in defining the structure
of this work are for guidance only and should not be taken as literal.

Seq Bar Numbers

2 - Count In
3 - Verse 1
11 - Chorus
15 - Chorus / Tempo
37 - Reggae section
47 - Chorus / Tempo
55 - Verse 2
63 - Chourus
67 - Chorus / Tempo
83 - Ending

Note : The first bar contains Control Codes to "set up" your tone generator(s).
Note : A 'metronome' count-in is given (sounding as a closed hi-hat)
by the drum track (track 2). This occurs on beats 1, 2, 3 and 4 of bar 2.


Number of MIDI CHANNELS used : 16

Channel Type

10 - Drums
1 - Timpani
2 - Bass
3 - Ac.Piano
4 - Trem Strings
5 - El Gtr
6 - Strings 1
7 - Strings 2
8 - Xylophone
9 - Piccolo
11 - Clavinet / Slol Cello / Slol Horn
12 - Trumpets
13 - Fr.Horns
14 - Trombones
15 - Grp Vox
16 - Lead Vox