I Think I Love You Too Much lyrics by The Jeff Healey Band

Lyric & Midi information
Song Title * 4522MM: I Think I LOve You Too Much
Performed By * Jeff Healey & Mark Knopfler
Composer(s) * Mark Knopfler
Publisher * Unauthorised copying is illegal
Programmer * Damien Cotton � 1999 Mister Midi Sequences
Key * Bbm
Tempo * 108bpm
Time * 6.22MIN
Length * 173M

Ch 1 *Distortion Guitar
Ch 2 *BASS
Ch 3 *Muted Guitar
Ch 4 *Overdrive Guitar
Ch 5 *Organ 3
Ch 6 *Doubled guitar(with 1st dist Gtr)
Ch 10 *Drums


I'm not alone, you're sittin right there.
How come I get the feeling,
you could vanish into the air?
I love you more than anybody else baby.
Can't you tell I'm an easy touch.
Oh, Baby Baby, I think I love you too much.

If I picked you up, you'd slip right away.
And if I locked you up,
you'd find a way to make me stay.
You're gonna hurt me more than anybody baby,
Cause you know I'm an easy touch.
Oh, Baby Baby, I think I love you too much.

I guess I'm gonna give you what you want.
Cause I so in to you.
You never give an inch to me baby,
Though I've been giving you a mile or two.

Lead Break
Repeat 1st Verse
Chorus 3 times