Green Tambourine lyrics by The Lemon Pipers

Lyric & Midi information
Song Title * 3753H: Green Tambourine (Released in 1968)
Performed By * The Lemon Pipers
Composer(s) *
Publisher * . Unauthorised copying is illegal
Programmer * � Heavenly Music. Distributed under licence.

Drop your silver in my tambourine.
Help a poor man fill his pretty dream.
Give me pennies, I'll take anything.
Now listen while I play my green tambourine.

Watch the jingle jangle start to shine,
Reflections of the music that is mine.
When you toss a coin, you'll hear it sing.
Now listen while I play my green tambourine.

Drop a dime before I walk away.
Any song you want, I'll gladly play.
Money feeds my music machine.
Now listen while I play my green tambourine.


Time * 2:56
Length * 84 Bars
Tempo * 110 Bpm
Key * G

Ch 1 * Piano
Ch 2 * Fretless Bass
Ch 3 * Tremelo Strings
Ch 4 * Choir
Ch 5 * Strings
Ch 6 * Violins
Ch 7 * Sitar
Ch 8 * Cello
Ch 10 * Drums